Pick your Recruiting Way!

Our Recruitment Team is like a true band. And this band needs talented mates! Serious, friendly, creative, or a bit extreme? What is your Recruiting way?


So different, but equally professional, and crazy about what they do. Each of them is on the lookout for team members with whom they can share their experience, knowledge, and together grow our Sigma Software Company. Their Teams are free to offer their initiatives, be independent in their decisions, and develop at their own pace. It is up to you to choose a teacher, who practices your type of Recruiting and the Team, which best suits your personality.


So, Meet Anton, Anna, Lera, and Viktoria.


Have you already chosen your lead?


“While being quite demanding and precise, I’m always fair to everyone and ready to give a helping hand.” He possesses a unique power of setting valuable connections and getting all necessary for the hiring process info.

Here is something interesting about him:

  • Anton is a Genius of Negotiations, knows how to close even the most complex cases
  • He has rich experience in IT Recruiting (7+ years)
  • Anton knows all possible stacks (from HTML layout and up to Big Data)


How about creating a worldwide talent hunting strategy (and not only within the planet Earth)? Anna will give you enough independence while she will make you feel like in the family. “My Team will become a Dream Team for you if you are an open-minded person with a good sense of humor who wants to hire talented guys around the world.”


Joining Anna’s Team you will get:

  • Possibility to hire not only in Ukraine but also in Singapore and Canada as well as boost your English
  • Mentoring skills development
  • Chance to work with diversified stack (Java, JS, Python, Unity, C++), and various IT directions (Developers, PMs, Test Engineers, Business Analysts)


Valeria Donchik – CREATIVE LEADER
“Everyone in my Team has their special role – mine is to create the atmosphere of trust, uniqueness, and support”. Lera is a true idea generator, so you will have a chance to get inspired by her creativity, initiative, and melodic imagination and apply it in your work.


Teamwork with Lera means:

  • Freedom to be awesome and unique
  • Celebration of each victory at the hiring backstage
  • Possessing a Guitar with .NET, Python, JS, Go, and Big Data strings


Viktoria Okrent – EXTREME COACH
“If I were to make someone laugh in 3 seconds, it would be a no-brainer for me. I’m very active, dynamic, and a bit crazy. In a good sense of the word=) When it comes to working, I always put my Team and their needs above everything.” If you are searching an unusual and creative approach to Recruiting and would like to create and manage new processes in the company – Viktoria is a go-to person.


Also, she:

  • is a Genius of communications and has a talent to solve any crisis situation
  • will teach you how to work directly with the client

Whose Team will you join? Let us know while applying to one of the vacancies: